Monday, September 6, 2010

Inverted Nipples

The term “Inverted Nipples” means the nipples which are pointed into the breast instead of pointed out ward on the breast. From ten to twenty percent women have the inverted nipples problem. Not only the women but also men can have the inverted nipples. There are no prescribed reasons for inverted nipples, however, there are some techniques and treatments available for this problem.

During the pregnancy, women who have inverted nipples may find their nipples come out for the time being or for the eternally. It has been researched that lactating may result the inverted nipples come out. Mostly, the women face no difficulty in breast feeding even if they have inverted nipples. It is a daylight fact that inexpert mothers can face severe soreness and hard pain.

An experienced mother follows the proper techniques of breast feeding, she allows her baby to latch on to the black or brown part of the breast. She does not allow her infant to latch the nipple directly. So, experienced mothers can face no pain to feed their baby with their inverted nipples.

Breast pump usage is also helpful in protracting the inverted nipples. You can have an electric pump from the hospital for this problem. Infant who latches may mire out the nipples. Some ladies use nipple shield as a treatment of inverted nipples. Nipple sucking is also a good technique.

There are also some other ways to get rid of inverted nipples. Plastic surgery is the method of taking the inverted nipples come out. But mind it; this technique can spoil the breast feeding ability of a woman. Another technique is “Nipple Piercing,” this is also an effective way but if the nipples come out with this technique. Once nipples come outward, the special jewelry can stop nipples to go back into the inverted position. Other methods are “Breast Shells” and” Hoffman Method.”

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